Last week I've been working with jruby-poi to make an script that would automatically update an MS Excel file.
The part that cost me the most time, believe it or not, was formula updating, you see, I would add rows that should change the value of pre-set formulae, but the results would not update on Excel until you clicked on the formula.
After diving in the nearly nonexistent documentation of the gem (they give you base-usage on git, some test case you can check out also on git, everything else is default generated rdocs without a single improvement) I've came up with the following work around:
%w[jobs defects].each do |sheet_name|
sheet = self.workbook.worksheets[ sheet_name ]
rows = sheet.rows
from, to = 2, 70
rows.each_with_index do |row, i|
next if i <= from
#order is important!
%w[L K D E F N O P Q U V X Y Z W AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ].each do |letter|
column = letter.to_number - 1
puts sprintf( 'updating formula on C: %s row %d', letter, i )
self.workbook.on_formula_update rows[ i ][ column ]
break if i >= to
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